At Future Bakery for the first time in forever.
Audiobooks have become my main form of entertainment. Luckily the Toronto Public Library has a great selection that are freely accessible.
Yesterday was the third anniversary of my sister Joanna’s passing. I still miss her so much. Don’t think that will ever go away.
Listening to Oh Mercy this morning. I still remember going to the record store in the fall of 1989 excited to get the new Dylan album. Playing it for the first time in my room and loving it. I still have that record too.
Listening to John Denver while typesetting this afternoon.
Absolutely dismayed by this European Super League business. I have been supporting Liverpool FC since the mid ‘90s, but this move has me seriously questioning whether I can continue to support them.
Feeling much better this morning. Even was able to get some sleep. Now able to get back to working on some design projects.
Insomnia and migraines. Quite the duo.
I still have my app on my phone…. I don’t know why but am loathe to delete it. I think I just like looking at the radio tower every now and then.
Worked on a couple of cover mock-ups today. I don’t do cover design much any more, but was able to get one pretty good design together. Of course that usually means they will pick the other design, which I don’t like as much.
Did a lot of digital tidying yesterday. Still more to do. I have somehow ended up with several email addresses for various reasons and I am going to cut that down. Hopefully.
I am about to purge (again) all of my social media accounts, for good this time. The only exception to this will be my
I have never been comfortable with social media but it seemed necessary to participate in modern life. I don’t believe it is necessary any longer.